The West Sacramento Little League is run by a volunteer board. Board members are elected in September of each year and will serve a one-year term.
Name | Position | Email |
Kylie Kortuem | President | [email protected] |
Ryan Cassidy | Vice President | |
Andrew Wells Otome Lindsey | Treasurer | [email protected] |
Marcella Senteno | Secretary | [email protected] |
Al Casciato | Safety Officer/Background Checks | [email protected] |
Melissa Brown | Communications | [email protected] |
Mayra Sexton | Coaching Coordinator | |
Jennifer Freeman | Player Agent/Player Development | [email protected] |
Tiffany Sanchez Alex Vukasinovic | Registration | [email protected] |
Alex Graham | Head Scorekeeper | |
Paul Ramirez | Umpire in Charge | |
Joe DeAnda | Equipment Manager | |
Jeremy Kortuem | Snack Bar Manager | |
| | |
Megan McClain | Sponsorships/Fundraising Coordinator | [email protected] |
Michelle Casciato | Uniforms Coordinator | |
Vacant | Events | |
Matt Hodge Tony Molina | Field Maintenance |